
Christian Lady Loves to Ride

Âge 52 De Kannapolis, North Carolina En ligne Il y a plus de 2 semaines

Femme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base Parlez-nous un peu de vous.
  • Je sais parler Anglais
  • Je me décrirais comme I am a very kind, giving person who refuses to be part of any kind of drama. Ladies should build one another up rather than tear each other down so if you are browsing to see if there are better options or if you are so newly out of a relationship that your “former” lady doesn’t quite understand you are no longer together, just keep hitting “next” please.

    I am at a point in my life where I am secure in many different areas so I am working less and playing harder. I don’t do well with people who talk big but bring nothing to the table. My friends and family know exactly where I stand on most if not all things. The general population, probably not. I am a very proper southern belle complete with a pretty thick accent that I’ve heard is more eastern TN than Piedmont, NC. I recently posted a meme of Lillian Munster that said, “Just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean I like you...I might be picturing you on fire.” It’s a Southern thing, I guess. Again, I am not that way with those close to me and they appreciate it. I will not speak about you with others nor will I back bite. I’m the kind of person who will come straight to you and will not walk away until problems are solved. Not just worked out, but solved. There’s a big difference. Sometimes it means fessin’ up as my Papaw would say. Other times it means embarrassment or tears. Still other times, a funny comment to cut the tension followed by a tremendous amount of laughter! Regardless, when I leave the conversation, I know healing has begun. There’s not enough of that in this world.

    I am not looking for a man who will complete me for I am complete on my own. I am happy on my own. I am secure on my own. The man for whom I search will be my compliment and I hope I will be his. The man I am with will never need to worry about being torn down. I only build up. If there’s something that needs to be said, let it be said in private with an understanding heart. I believe the gent should treat his lady like a queen and she treat him as a king I need my gent to know and I need to know that we have one another’s back at ALL times, once again, discussing differences in private. I can not emphasize this enough.

    I bet by now you are wondering why am I being overly verbose? It is because my original short and sweet answer caused me to be chastised for not interpreting the words “long ride” as meaning “willing to drop everything, fly out of state to be picked up by a man whose voice I’ve never heard, to ride 1800 miles from one side of the country to the other knowing full well it’s on the up and up because I’ve been assured he’s an honorable man who always leaves a copy of his DL and itinerary”. Sure enough, I looked it up and right there in the urban dictionary it said that very thing almost verbatim! Dummy me...I guess I should apologize for mentioning dirty words like “safety” and ugly phrases such as “let’s meet first”.

    So what then, to those of you who have actually gotten this far? Know this: If I am with the right man, my gent, then spending time doing most anything with you whether it’s thrifting, cooking a meal together, riding to the mountains, taking a midnight run to the beach to watch the sunrise, grabbing breakfast and heading back home, or checking out the live concert of one of my high school mates, Darrell Harwood! I will try most anything that is safe for me to try. I’m not one to make excuses, flimsy or otherwise. I’m just a simple girl looking for a simple guy who loves the wind in his face as much as she, who have the same core beliefs, who believe they can compliment one anothers’ lives. To that person who is quite possibly “my gent”, I say the possibilities are endless.

    Let’s ride, baby...
  • Signe Bélier
Apparence & situation Comment êtes-vous? Décrivez votre apparence.
  • Ma silhouette est Elancée
  • Ma taille est 5' 6 (1.68 m)
  • Mes yeux sont Bleus
  • Mon origine ethnique est Caucasienne
  • Ma situation maritale est Célibataire
  • J'ai des enfants Oui - pas chez moi
  • Je veux des enfants Non
  • Ce que j'ai de mieux Yeux
  • Art Corporel Oreilles percées, Cicatrices, Tatouages stratégiquement placés, Tatouages visibles
  • Mes cheveux sont Marrons
  • J'en ai 1 ou plus Chien
  • Prêt(e) à vivre ailleurs Non
Plus sur elle
  • Faites-vous partie d'un club de moto? Non
  • Faire de la moto - hobby ou mode de vie? Hobby
  • Est-ce que votre moto est votre principal moyen de transport? Non
  • Est-ce que vous préférez faire de la moto en vêtements de cuir ou en civil? Vêtements civils
  • Quel est votre route ou endroit préféré pour faire de la moto? Mountains
  • Quelle est pour vous la meilleure manifestation de motards? My favorite even is most likely with my gent.
Statut Que faites-vous dans la vie?
  • Mon niveau d'éducation est Diplôme d'études supérieures
  • Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est Je travaille de chez moi
  • Mon domaine de compétence est Education / Académique
  • Mon titre de fonction est Boss
  • Je vis Avec des animaux
  • Chez moi C'est plutôt calme
  • Je fume Non
  • Je bois de l'alcool Oui - socialement
Personnalité Comment vous comportez-vous? Quels sont vos goûts?
  • Au lycée, j'étais un/e Tête
  • Socialement, je suis plutôt Observateur, Sympa, Comique, Fêtard, Séducteur, Ouvert
  • Mes passions et loisirs sont Religion/Spiritualité, Famille, Dîner , Lecture, Art & artisanat, Apprendre, Musique, Télévision, Films, Internet, Jeux, Théâtre, Voyages, Cuisine, Jardinage, Jeux de cartes, Bénévolat
  • Un bon moment pour moi c'est Sortir avec des amis, Faire du shopping, Rester à la maison, Faire de nouvelles expériences, Regarder un bon film, Me relaxer, Sorties en boîte / tour des bars, Lire, Se déguiser, Télévision, Aller à un concert
  • Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait I would first like to meet you in a public venue but I don’t consider that a first date. When I feel a level of comfort has been reached, I definitely want to go riding. Hopefully you’ve heard enough or read enough about me to have a great first date in mind!
  • J'ai toujours voulu essayer Scuba diving,anescaperoom, ride all of Route 66, kite fishing, parasailing, hot air balloon ride, visit the butterfly farm near Hickory, alaskan Cruise, snowtubing, spend however long it takes to hit all the waterfalls in Pisgah, take a midnight ride to the beach, watch the sunrise, grab breakfast and head back home to snuggle n nap, snorkeling, Rome & Greece, with the right guy, the possibilities are endless!

    Being with a guy who calls and says, “can ya be ready in 10 for a surprise trip somewhere?” and when he shows up in 10, he finds my natural curls tucked up into a hat with no makeup on and he’s ok with that because he’s grateful to have a lady who rates spending time with him as more important than time in front of the mirror!
  • Mes amis me décrivent comme Sympa, Trublion, La personne qu'ils aimeraient être, Cool, Neuneu, Un amour
Points de vue sur la vie Vos valeurs et points de vues.
  • Ma religion c'est Chrétien
  • Je vais à la messe Une fois par semaine
  • Mon but dans la vie c'est to have no regrets. I’ve had too many so I’m wiping the slate clean and starting over! I want to live life to the fullest. I don’t just want to stop and smell the flowers, I want to know their texture, each vein of color, pattern...well, you get what I’m saying!
  • Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt Vicelard, Intelligent, Sarcastique, Sympa, Neuneu
Goûts Qu'est-ce que vous aimez?
  • A la télévision, je regarde Actualités, Documentaires, Drames, Sitcoms, Programmes instructifs, Films, TV réalité, Rediffusions
  • Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours Action, Science-fiction, Comédies, Romantiques, Drames, Documentaires, Famille, Thrillers
  • Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est Country, Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Gospel
  • Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est Actualités, Littérature ancienne, Anthologies, Fictions, Histoire, Humour, Religions, Je suis auteur, Romantiques
  • Mon idée du fun Most anything with my gent.
Recherchant un/e Que recherchez-vous chez l'âme sœur?
  • Que trouvez-vous attirant? Bon sens, Séduction, Spontanéité, Audace, Sensibilité, Empathie, Talents, Humour, Beauté, Délicatesse, Intelligence
  • Que recherchez-vous? A good heart and a man comfortable enough with himself as a man that I can relaxed just being a lady. Ruling the world is far to exhausting. I need to rest!;-)
  • Quel type de relation recherchez-vous? Vrai‧e ami‧e, Rendez-vous, Relation intime, Engagement, Autre, Peu importe

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